
AiLi Cosmetics

We bring all our support in the background to people with the dream of
“creating and providing many people with original brand cosmetics”.
365 Natural Cosmetics

365 Natural Cosmetics

Concept | node | BIJINKYO

Our Services

New Era of Cosmetics

Small-Lot OEM Contract Productions

We are fully assisting you all the way from scratch and after delivery.
(product planning / choice of formulation / package design / procurement of ingredients)

Wholesale Distribution of Cosmetics

We export “Made-in-Japan Cosmetics” renowned for their high quality so that they can be sold in your country.

Refining & Wholesale Distribution of Cosmetic Ingredients

Centered on “Mink Oil” suitable for upscale cosmetics, we are providing high quality cosmetic ingredients that will allow you to differentiate your products from competitors.